Winter 2025- Photos from January and February

The Lower Mainland and southern Vancouver Island provide excellent opportunities for winter birding. These are some of my favourites from this year- so far. (I am also including some winter scenery shots. This is such a beautiful area of the country!)

Varied thrush
Northern hawk owl (a rarity for this area)
Common raven – performing its unique repertoire of strange calls!
Cedar waxwing. Some stay over in this area for the winter.
Surf scoter.
Mount Baker (Kulshan) as seen from Boundary Bay
Bald eagle. There are literally thousands of eagles in this region in winter months!
Anna’s hummingbird. This hardy species winters in the area, and by mid-February, many have started nesting.
Purple finch
Northern pygmy owl
Spotted towhee
Wood duck hen
American bittern
Northern pintail
Bewick’s wren
Ruby-crowned kinglet
The Salish Sea (Strait of Juan de Fuca) with the Olympic Mountains in the background.
Northern flicker
Fox sparrow
Marsh wren
The view from Port Renfrew
Trumpeter swans
Snow geese, with Mount Cheam in the background

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