The Brown Bears of Hyder

When we lived in Kitimat, we usually drove up to Hyder AK/ Stewart BC each summer to see the grizzly (brown) bears fishing. At the time, Hyder was notorious as a location for hard drinking and getting “Hyderized”. The Stewart / Hyder area has a long reputation for boom and bust as the economy has depended on mining. There are still significant mineral reserves in the area, mainly on the BC side of the border, and from what we saw on the trip, there is a lot of renewed mining activity. Hyder however is not doing well with most buildings derelict and only one decrepit bar still running. However, the US Department of Agriculture which oversees the Tongass National Forest has installed an exceptional bear viewing platform, and actively maintains surveillance over the platform to ensure protection of bears and people at Fish Creek, which is about five miles from Hyder, and accessible by paved road. When we were there this week, we observed two adult brown (grizzly) bear boars fishing and interacting on the creek. We missed seeing an older sow, and a black bear that had been chased out earlier. If you go there, you will need a passport: not to enter Alaska, but to return to Canada. The only road access to this location is through BC. Here are some of the photos I took.

Our first glimpse of a brown bear came after two visits. This six or seven year old boar has been named “Runner” by the Forest Service Rangers.
We watched Runner fishing, which proved to be a pretty easy task, given the large number of salmon in Fish Creek (mainly chum salmon).
After going into the bush to eat salmon in peace, we observed Runner sit-up, sniffing the air. Something had disturbed him.

The reason for the disturbance was the arrival of another brown bear, upstream. According to the Rangers, this bear is of a similar age and the two bears have not come to terms yet with respect pecking order. This bear, has been named “Scruffy” by the Rangers. For a while after his arrival, the two bears maintained a good distance between them and fished.

Runner. (Note the roe being squeezed out of the salmon by the pressure of Runner’s grip!)
All of a sudden, Runner stood up again and stared back at Scruffy, who was approaching………………..
…..and ran in the opposite direction…………
…………and ran, until there was a good distance between them.
Scruffy stopped his advance and resumed fishing.
Keeping a safe distance, Runner resumed “doing his thing” and fished some more, ever wary of Scruffy. It was a very interesting evening for observing!

Some Additional Birds from Newfoundland.

I have posted photos already of the northern gannet and the Atlantic puffin. Here are some other birds seen on our recent trip to Newfoundland.

Common murres
White-throated sparrow
Northern waterthrush
Herring gull
Razorbill or razor-billed auk
Thick-billed murre
The birds of Gull Island – mainly common murres.
Common murres

Black guillemot
Greater black-backed gull
Pine grosbeak
Black-legged kitiwakes
American pipit
Lincoln sparrow
Magnolia warbler
American black duck
Mourning warbler
Black and white warbler
Blackpoll warbler
Swamp sparrow
Caspian tern
Common tern
Common loons
Greater yellowlegs – not often seen swimming!
Rusty blackbird
Blue jay
Cedar waxwing

Birds of Early Summer in BC

Some of the photos taken on walks and hikes over the last few weeks, in the Lower Mainland of BC.

Western tanager
Bullock’s oriole
Cedar waxwing
Lazuli bunting
Least flycatcher (a rarity in this region)
American goldfinch

Glaucous winged gull, dropping shell in order to crack it.

Yellow warbler
Anna’s hummingbird
Rufous hummingbird
Cedar waxwing
Pacific flycatcher
Pacific wren
Tree swallow
Common yellowthroat

Feeding Time at the Osprey Nest

Two weeks ago, we had the opportunity to observe the osprey nest in Matsqui. The female was on the nest incubating eggs, when we heard and then saw the male approach with a fish. It then landed on a distant tree and started to eat the fish. The female on the nest called to the male, clearly wanting to be fed. After a while, the male approached, carrying half of the fish. It landed on the nest,and gave the half fish to the female. The female then left the nest and started to eat the fish in flight. The male stayed on the nest, presumably on the eggs.

Male with complete fish after landing in a tree about 400 metres from the nest.
Male bringing the half eaten fish to the female.
Delivering the fish.
The female leaving the nest after the exchange.
Leaving the nest.
The female, starting to eat the fish, in flight.

Eagles of the Harrison River

In November, bald eagles arrive on the Harrison River in great numbers (thousands) to feed on spawning salmon. They hang around until the dead and dying salmon are flushed down the river by high water levels. By January, most of the eagles have left. The following photos were taken in November and December. I was surprised to see a golden eagle amongst the large numbers of bald eagles, as they are a rarity in this region. This is a follow-up posting to one I made in December, with additional photos, not previously published.

Golden eagle!


The following are from a collection of photos I have taken of owls, that I will be using for a self published book. It wasn’t that long ago, I was thrilled to take a photo of a distant owl in a tree in Southern Ontario. (At first I thought it was a plastic bag that had blown into the tree). Subsequently I was thrilled to see my first short-eared owls in Southern Indiana, when we still owned a home in Kentucky. I still get the same thrill every time I manage to see and photograph an owl, and living in British Columbia, I am finding many opportunities to see owls.

Male snowy owl, Ontario.
Short-eared owl, Indiana
Barred owlet, British Columbia
Burrowing owl, Florida
Barred owl couple, British Columbia
Barn owl, British Columbia
Great-horned owl, British Columbia
Eastern-screech owl, Ohio
Great-grey owl, Alberta
Great-horned owl family, Washington

Saw-whet owl, British Columbia
Great-grey owl, British Columbia
Great-grey owlet, British Columbia
Short-eared owl, Indiana
Snowy owl, Ontario
Northern pygmy owl, British Columbia
Long-eared owl, British Columbia
Northern saw-whet owl, British Columbia
Great-grey owl, British Columbia
Northern pygmy owl, British Columbia
Long-eared owl, British Columbia
Great-grey owls mating, Alberta
Northern pygmy owl, British Columbia
Short-eared owl, British Columbia
Great-grey owl, British Columbia
Feeding time, barred owls, British Columbia
Mother barred owl and owlet
Barn owl, British Columbia
Great-horned owlets

Winter Water Birds in the Fraser Valley

The Fraser Valley is a great location to see wintering ducks, geese and swans which have migrated south from more northerly regions.The following photos have been taken over the last couple of weeks at the Cheam Lake Wetlands, Willband Creek Park and the Reifel Bird Sanctuary.

Trumpeter swans, leaving Cheam Lake in the early morning.
Common merganser. Willband Creek.

Green winged teal, Willband Creek.
Northern shoveler, Reifel Sanctuary.
Northern pintail drake. Reifel Sanctuary.
Northern pintail drake.
In stereo! Trumpeter swans lifting off from Cheam Lake.
Trumpeter swans lining up for take off. You know they are about to lift off when they all start bobbing their heads!
After lift-off, the swans normally circle the lake before taking off to graze in the farm fields of the valley.
Lesser scaup hen, Reifel Sanctuary.
Ring-necked drake. Reifel Sanctuary.
Hooded merganser hen. Reifel Sanctuary.
Hooded merganser drake. Reifel Sanctuary.
American wigeon drake. Reifel Sanctuary.
Common merganser hen. Reifel Sanctuary.
Common merganser drake. Willband Creek.
Great blue heron. Reifel Sanctuary.
Sandhill crane. Reifel Sanctuary. Normally I see there three over the winter although others pass through in the Autumn migration. Last week, I counted 12.
Thousands of snow geese. They lift off when disturbed, typically by eagles. They winter in the area, but migrate here from Siberia. This was taken at Reifel, but there is also a large flock along the US border at Abbotsford.