A few BC Ducks

The Lower Mainland of BC is an excellent place to observe ducks in the winter months, as the Fraser Estuary, the shallow bays on the coast and the many wetlands provide exceptional winter habitat. The following photographs were taken in the last couple of weeks.

Wood duck (male)
Hooded merganser (male)
Harlequin ducks (female on left, male on right)
Ring-necked duck (male)
Northern shovelers (male)
Hooded merganser (female)
American wigeon (male)
Wood duck (female)

Winter Hawks

Winter months are an excellent time to see hawks in both Southern Ontario and Kentucky, where I spend most of the winter.  Most of the North American hawks, tend to be short distance migrators (broad-winged travel further), and many species such as the red-tailed can be found year round.  The rough-legged, seldom seen in the summer is prevalent in the winter.  Today (in Kentucky) was a good day for Cooper’s hawks, red-tailed hawks, northern harriers and red-shouldered hawks.

Cooper’s hawk taken from front door of house

Red-shouldered hawk