In late July we left Ontario, headed for the West Cost. It has been an enjoyable trip, but we have certainly had two surprises. The first is the haze from forest fires, which we have seen since North Dakota (but also experienced in Montana, Alberta, British Columbia, Idaho, Washington and Oregon. The second has been constantly warm temperatures. The peak temperatures (42 degrees Celsius or 106 degrees Fahrenheit) were encountered in Southern Saskatchewan near Grasslands National Park. Sadly, warmer temperatures and forest fires have become more and more common. We depart shortly for Vancouver Island, but have been warned that air quality there is also a problem due to the fires. We have enjoyed the beauty of nature on this trip and highlights have included moose, bison, a burrowing owl, a black bear and pronghorn, all seen on the Prairies and in the Foothills. A few photos from the trip follow:
Bison bulls, establishing supremacy
Bull moose, Cypress Hills
Cedar Waxwing, Waterton Lakes NP
American white pelican, Waterton Lakes NP
Rock formations, T. Roosevelt NP, North Dakota
Grasslands National Park, SK
Bison bull
Rock formations, T. Roosevelt, NP, North Unit
Western grebe, Medicine Lake, Montana
Common nighthawk, Grasslands NP, SK
Prairie dog, Grasslands NP
Swainson’s hawk, Grasslands NP, SK
Western meadowlark, Grasslands NP, SK
Milbert’s tortoiseshell
Empidonax flycatcher (Willow?), Cypress Hills
Monarch butterfly