International Owl Awareness Week

August 4th, 2020 has been declared International Owl Awareness Day. Throughout this past week, around the world, there have been events set-up to increase awareness of owls in general, and to highlight the environmental needs and concerns regarding these amazing birds. With Covid-19, many of the activities have had to be “virtual” and moved on-line. Earlier this year, I had been looking forward to attending activities at the Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Program, her in the Fraser Valley, but these activities have had to be cancelled. This program supports a critically endangered species of owl found on the West Coast, which has suffered from loss of habitat. Hopefully next year will see a return to “live” activities. I am attaching a number of photos of other owls I have taken over the last few years.

Short-eared owl at Boundary Bay, BC
Sleeping saw-whet owl, Ladner, BC (Reifel Sanctuary)
Northern hawk owl, Ladner, BC
Barn owl, Fraser Valley, BC
Great horned owl, Ladner, BC (Reifel Sanctuary)
Long-eared owl, Eastern Ontario
Eastern screech owl (red morph), Northern Ohio
Barred owl, with owlets in the nest, Henderson County, KY
Snowy owl, Wellington County, ON
Northern pygmy owl, Fraser Valley, BC
Great grey owl, Rocky Mountain County, AB

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