The Fraser Valley, with its mild winters, open fresh water and proximity to the coast is a good wintering location for many of the birds from the north. Added to that, there are many spawning salmon in the lower Fraser in October and November. When the salmon die, they become feed for bald eagles, which flock to the rivers of the lower Fraser Valley. The following photos were taken this past week at the Nicomen Slough and the nearby Harrison River which features an exceptionally high concentration of eagles in November and December.
Mature bald eagle, Nicomen SloughJuvenile bald eagle, Harrison RiverApproximately 200 bald eagles on the eastern shore of the Harrison RiverEagle, landing on spawned out salmon, Nicomen SloughOne of 10 eagles in a tree above me, watching me! Harrison River.Mature bald eagle in flight, Nicomen SloughEagle with chum salmon, Harrison RiverEagle feeding on salmon, Nicomen SloughEagle and reflection, Nicomen SloughMallard drake, feeding on salmon. I never realized mallards would feed on fish, but I watched a pair feeding on this salmon for twenty minutes. Harrison River.Trumpeter swansFighting eagles, Nicomen Slough