Favourite Pygmy Owl Photos

I had not encountered pygmy owls before moving to the Fraser Valley of British Columbia in 2019. Since then I have been fortunate in seeing them every year, generally on logging roads. It has become one of my favourite owls to photograph, because they are challenging to find. When you do find them, they will generally let you watch them for a long time period, as long as you maintain a healthy distance. Indeed, they will ignore you and will hunt as if you are not present. I have watched them catch small rodents as well as lizards, and have had them dive to the ground a few feet from me and fly right past me as if I weren’t there. The following pictures have been taken over the last five years.

The fierce look of the hunter. Although the pygmy owl looks “cute” it is a very capable hunter and will take on birds that are considerably larger than it is.
The northern pygmy owl likes voles and shrews, as well as birds and lizards.
Note the vole the owl has in its claws.
This owl looks “innocent” until you notice the end of the rodent’s tail sticking out of its mouth.
When alarmed, the pygmy owl “stretches” out appearing larger and taller.
Commonly, you will see the northern pygmy owl, perched on top of a branch, from which it can see and listen for prey.
I see the northern pygmy owl most often in ares that have been logged out perhaps ten years earlier, and where trees have started to grow back.
This owl is guarding its prey, “mantling”, which is also something demonstrated by other species of owls.
The northern pygmy owl is a cavity nester, and has nests fairly high up in trees (often fir trees) near its hunting areas. I believe this owl was close to its nest although I did not attempt to find the nest. It flew into this area after successfully hunting lizards.
Southern cousins. Ferruginous pygmy owls, photographed in Costa Rica.

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