The following photos show some of the birds we saw on our travels in Western North America in August and September.
Say’s phoebe (Vancouver Island)
California quail (California north coast)
American kestrel (California)
American avocet (San Francisco Bay)
Snowy egret (San Francisco Bay)
Northern harrier (San Francisco Bay)
Black phoebe (San Francisco Bay)
Least sandpiper (San Francisco Bay)
Northern shovelers in flight (San Francisco Bay)
Anna’s hummingbird (Sant Clara)
Great horned owl. Didn’t know the bird was there- we saw one fly off earlier, but there were three in the same general area (Klamath Basin, California)
Red shouldered hawk (Klamath Basin – California)
Forster’s tern (Klamath Basin- California)
White-faced ibis (Klamath Basin – California)
American white pelicans (Klamath Lake Oregon)
Clark’s nutcracker ( Crater Lake Oregon)
Black- billed magpie (Montana)